Subject: In my opinion...
Posted on: 2009-04-28 21:10:00 UTC

Capitalization errors are by far the most egregious offenses, because they're so, so easy to get right. Proper nouns get the caps, acronyms get the caps, the starts of sentences get the caps, and that's about it! It's acceptable to use caps to add emphasis to shouting lines, but beyond that...

Ugh, I'm just glad I don't have to look at this one again. Part of me thinks I really should have taken it a bit farther; in the next chapter it was revealed that she saved Chilly at some point before that story, which we never see more detail of, and then [saccharine] everybody loves her because she's so sweet and helpful! [/saccharine] Blech. But at that point, I just couldn't take anymore of the atrocious grammar errors.

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