Subject: Mission Plug!
Posted on: 2009-04-27 04:46:00 UTC

It's time for their second mission! Chliever and Winston confront junk mail, North Korean propaganda, character replacements, Teen Titans, Castlevania villains, second person, present tense, urple romance, ethnic stereotypes, EZ-Bake, and dismemberment caused by typos! Also, they're forced to do half the mission IN THE DARK!

This is what I'd call a "bonding" mission, as, if you recall, Chliever and Winston barely met before being sent off on their first mission. Winston's still sort of a sidekick at this point, but I have big things planned for him later on. Also, if you're an observant sort, see if you can spot the first mention of a character who will be very important later on.

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