Subject: Hrm~
Posted on: 2009-04-18 18:45:00 UTC

In that case, I'd say it would depend on a few factors.

Is it in the canon world? -Big deciding factor~.

If it is, does it warp the canon world? Just having it be a mediocre fic with WTF characters in the canon who happen to be related to canons might not be enough.

Does it contradict anything canon? - This is the important thingy, PPC wise I believe. (Boring story is one thing, boring characters another, but when they start breaking things...!~)

Are the OCs plausible as descendants of the characters they're supposed to be related to? - As in for example, no, OC may not be the grandchild of Captain Jack Sparrow via the good captain's MPreg baby. (Captain Jack of Torchwood however is plausibly allowed an MPreg baby since Torchwood canon seems to have an anything goes policy when it comes to sex.)

In short, it's a big question of is this a bad fanfic, or is this a bad original story?

In other words, is the fic actually plac

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