Subject: Fun game
Posted on: 2009-04-11 20:59:00 UTC

First, select the month of your birth...

January: I recruited
February: I stole the One Ring from
March: I usurped the identity of
April: I went flamethrower-crazy on
May: I formed a rock band with
June: I wrote a lemon involving Boromir and
July: I kidnapped
August: I read C***b***n to
September: I insulted the mom of
October: I threw a spork at
November: I pledged eternal allegiance to
December: I exorcised

...then the day...

1: Albus Dumbledore
2: J. R. R. Tolkien
3: Captain Jack Sparrow
4: Agent Acacia
5: Rorschach
6: every single Suethor
7: Cthulhu
8: the Sunflower Official
9: Rose Potter
10: Han Solo
11: Eragon
12: some rabid fangirl
13: the Doctor
14: Sauron
15: the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
16: Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
17: Peter Petrelli
18: Darth Vader
19: the Joker
20: J. K. Rowling
21: Agent Lux
22: Severus Snape
23: Big Brother
24: Legolas
25: Agent Jay
26: the entire Happy Tree Friends cast
27: the Master
28: my #1 lust object
29: Makes-Things
30: Sirius Black
31: Barack Obama

...then the year.

1983 or before: but I now have the creeping suspicion that it was a mistake.
1984: in an attempt to commit suicide.
1985: because the voices told me to.
1986: but, seriously, who cares?
1987: while I was drunk.
1988: out of boredom.
1989: and got fined $32 for it.
1990: and greatly enjoyed the experience.
1991: and still wonder why the hell I did that.
1992: just to attract his/her/their attention.
1993: to fulfill a prophecy.
1994: and beg my fellow PPC agents for forgiveness.
1995 or after: but everyone laughed at me.

I was born on December 21st, 1988. That gives me: I exorcised Agent Lux out of boredom.

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