Posted on: 2009-04-08 12:46:00 UTC

Er, sorry about that...Anyway, hi! Welcome to the Board. Please deposit your sanity in the provided receptacle. *holds out bucket marked "Warg fodder"* We don't tend to have much use for things like that here. Also, have some hugs and a thermos full of chai tea. Use them well!
How the Board works? It works like this. People post topics and other people reply to them. Eventually, old topics are pushed off the page to make room for new ones; for this reason, we tend to frown on making truckloads of new topics. That's how the Board literally works, but perhaps you were asking for an explanation of how the Boarders work? Well, most of us are completely insane. (See first paragraph.) We're usually very happy when there are newbies- you will likely be presented with lots and lots of virtual gifties. We natter on about a lot of random stuff and help each other with writing. It's fun!
List of continuums under protection...hurm. It would probably be easier to list all continuums not under protection, but I don't have a complete list of those either. What I do know is that, although Twit-lit, also known as Twilight, has lots and lots of Mary Sues and badfic written about it, I've never seen a PPC mission for it, except when it is crossed-over with another continuum. I can't speak for the rest of the Boarders, but I personally don't like said book. If you do, I won't hold it against you. (Ooh, that reminds me- Have a can of patent Sparklevamp repellent!)
Someone will probably come along and give you shiny links to things which will help explain more stuff to you, and they'll know how to use hyperlinks, so it will be prettier than if I just gave you links. Signing off...
-Mad Maudlin

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