Subject: 40k!
Posted on: 2009-04-08 21:41:00 UTC

My brother Zotz plays it. He hasn't been to the Board in a while because he spends all his time on the computer playing the computer game, and all his time off the computer painting his models. Or eating. Or sleeping.
I've read some of the books. Reading is cheap, especially when Zotz buys the books because he is so obsessed and then I steal them because I am so sneaky. Mwahaha!
I've read Twilight.
Don't read Twilight.
Gary-Stu gets Mary-Sue pregnant, despite the fact that he actually has no blood... Major biology FAIL! And every day, someone new is surprised that I don't like Twilight, because- OMG! She wears black! She must like Twilight! OMG! Aargh. Okay, rant over.

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