Subject: Barrage of Answers
Posted on: 2009-03-31 01:52:00 UTC

1) Only if you a) have Permission (:P) and b) don't think they'll actually kill each other at being so cramped. It's not generally done. I think there is precedent for interconnecting RCs though, so you could have them in a couple that have doors to each other.

2) Ask the author of the OFU you want them to have gone to.

3) Is there any plot significance to it? Or are you just playing for cheap laughs? Cheap laughs are all good, but it helps if they're there for a reason.

4) I would say it counted as torture.

5) Go check the List of RCs on the Wiki.

6) If you really feel the need.

7) For who? You'd have to be very careful it didn't just turn into a gratuitious Cute Animal Friend.

8) You'd get chargrilled Greek Hero. Unless it was Heracles or Achilles, in which case I'd say that would have to go to the judges.

9) Because the kind of food Chinese restaurants serve is not traditionally considered breakfast food and because even the famously hard-working people who run Chinese restaurants deserve some time at home - given Chinese restaurants are typically open very late 7 days a week, can you blame them for wanting to be home in the mornings?

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