Subject: Re: welcome chase
Posted on: 2009-03-30 03:38:00 UTC

Like I said, mostly a lot of Marvel, but as far as specific titles I've read and liked we're looking at:

The TPB Origin (Wolverine)
X-23 Target X and Innocence Lost
New X-Men
Black Panther
The Amory Wars
Desolation Jones
Sin City
The Amazing Spiderman
World War Hulk
V for Vendetta
The Lost Girls
Wolverine Origins
Messiah Complex (Mutant crossover arc)
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Nightmares and Fairytales
and a lot of webcomics.

Now those would be ones where I still continuously read the series, or read the story arc to where I can remember fairly vividly. Keep in mind when I was working at a comic shop that I pretty much read a lot of other issues, but not the full series. That would get pretty insane to try and list all of those.

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