Subject: Re: Citation needed. Really.
Posted on: 2009-03-25 00:29:00 UTC

Oh, that's a trend in the Redwall fandom. Authors will create their own Sues and send in Redwall versions of themselves to kill them. These Redwall alter egos are known as Sueslayers. Lycaenion has an in-progress Suebasher fic called 'Arawolf Beechclaw: Sueslayer Extraordinaire'.

I've noticed that, though, how our agents are often self inserts, but I think the difference is that self-insert sues are often overly new-and-improved versions of the author, or what the author imagines him/herself to be or wishes he/she could be. Also, the self-insert usually has the purpose to either seduce a canon character, bash a canon character, or place oneself in something that happened in the canon and have the self-insert influence it in some way (i.e. bashing/seducing canon characters).

Alter egos, fursonas, and suchlike that WE use, on the other hand, usually have no intention of doing any such thing, and are used for a comedic effect to get rid of Sues, bad slash, etc.

I actually don't understand what's wrong with the idea of an author inserting him/herself into a story, though. Kurt Vonnegut did it, and nobody complains about that. What exactly is it we hate so much about self-inserts, besides what I listed above?

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