Subject: Okay, peeps. Time to clear this up.
Posted on: 2009-03-22 19:19:00 UTC

As you well know, kitsune106 is quite interested in the Dark Lord Geranium, his backstory, and the possibility that he should be head of the Division of Villain!Sues. This is good! He's not that annoying, and has given me a marvelous plotbunny. I am brainstorming, stainborming, stormbraining, and bormstaining ideas and random sentences which I will then staple together into a comprehensive whole, this being my normal method of writing. If anyone would like to help me with said brain things or toss me some ideas, my e-mail is
Speaking of which, what do you think of the DVS flashpatches having the addition of a screaming skull which is on fire above the potted cactus?

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