Subject: Re: ...oh my
Posted on: 2009-03-20 06:45:00 UTC

I wouldn't call it a fixation, I was just never a Power Rangers kid. Wall-E I'm a lot more attached to.

Anyhow. Lord Zedd is probably the most out-of-character in the batch, seeing as how I doubt he'd really revel so readily in seeing any of the Rangers in pain (and that line at the start makes it rather clear where the self-insert is). He's really drinking it in in here. Granted, he hates the Rangers for constantly foiling him, but at the level portrayed? I sincerely doubt it.

While I can believe that he'd be fascinated by finding out something new, I do not believe he'd never heard of torture before coming to Earth. He's an evil overlord. Honestly. That's a big problem, since it branches out the rest of the fic. Also, as it mentions within the fic itself, he doesn't nominally make regular calls to taunt the rest of the Rangers while enacting his plans. That seems mostly contrived to create more horror on the reader's part by imagining how the Rangers feel in that position.

The Rangers, I have to say, are pretty much spot-on in character. We could probably charge for thesaurus abuse or repetitiveness later on since the Author starts running out of alternate ways to describe Kimberly's pain.

Also, isn't abuse of canon characters a charge? Especially when one winds up very messily dead.

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