Subject: First Poke!
Posted on: 2009-02-27 05:21:00 UTC

Welcome a'Board! Have a bottle of Bleeprin (you'll need it) a keg of Bleepka (see above), and a mongoose! ...On second thought, *looks at name* have a whisk and a sentient towel.

Another Tamora Pierce fan! Sweet! Just out of curiosity, why limited to Tortall? I've always preferred the Circle books, myself. My agents welcome you, as do I! There's a lot of interesting 'fics there to be dealt with. And when I say interesting, I mean they will make your eyelids twitch lovely and wonderful. As an aside, have you heard of Steelsings? It's a fairly good roleplay (or at least it used to be, I don't know how true that is now), and you meet a lot of cool people.

Anyway, welcome to the Board! Feel free to leave your sanity at the door-- most of us do.

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