Subject: OT: In need of beta for fanfiction.
Posted on: 2009-02-20 06:40:00 UTC

I just finished the latest chapter of a fanfic I'm in the middle of. It's called Voyage of the Cat's Eye and it's a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles AU (with a bunch of other CLAMP crossovers). It's set in a pirate 'verse and it's romantic/comedy/adventure.

Basically, my problem is this. Cassie normally betas for me, and quite energetically. She's already done most of the chapter, but I went back and edited quite a lot so I need her back. However, at the moment I'm unable to get in touch with her so I need a new beta! It's basically just spelling and grammar issues, along with any thoughts on pacing and the like. I know not many of you know the fandom in question, but that's okay because it's an AU and I'm pretty comfortable with my characterisation. I just need someone to spell and grammar check for me.

Any volunteers?

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