Subject: I'm not entirely sure what you mean
Posted on: 2009-02-02 12:02:00 UTC

Let's see, quick rundown of the threads I've made, from memory:

    • My intro thread

      Posting a writing sample

      A thread or two asking about operating procedure in certain cases

      Several badfics for sporking

      My Permission request

      A request for a beta reader

      And this one

  • How can any of those except maybe this one possibly be construed as complaining? I don't quite understand how this one is complaining either - it was an honest question, to which I got an answer, and I am content with the answer. The screen stretchy eye bleedy comment was largely tongue in cheek, though I recognise the difficulty of inferring tone of voice over the Internet.

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  • We seriously need a FAQ for this. :P by on 2009-01-31 00:07:00 UTC Reply

    To give a rundown of the usual responses, because:

    a) This is where everything links to, including the Oddlots homepage which we can't edit.

    b) When we have our occasional heated debates, it's actually better that they drop into said abyss.

    c) For the PPC, it's better to have a Board that's constantly moving than one where topics get pushed back to the top when commented on, since it means new topics don't get lost, old ones don't get dragged out by a couple of people, and any particularly interesting ones can be restarted after it falls off the front page.

    d) The simple layout is i) traditional, and ii) easy on the eye.

    e) People keep coming back after years of absence, and they wouldn't be able to find us.

    And f) We're just too stubborn to give up on this place, especially given the weight of tradition behind it now.

    And yes, I'm sure I've missed some reasons out. :P
