Subject: Humbly requesting Permission
Posted on: 2009-01-23 20:41:00 UTC

After skulking about here for six and half months or so, occasionally talking with folks I have finally acquired enough nerve ask for Permission (I kidnapped someone and stole their nerve).

My agents:

Jane Shackleton
Age: early thirties
Appearance: impeccable, but not particularly attractive. Dark hair and eyes, pale skin. She has a normal sized body, but she wears a corset, so her waist is immpossibly small.
Jane is a product of an ill-defined story set, due to the author's scanty knowledge of history, somewhere between the Regency and Victorian Eras. She has an obsession with manners and propriety, a penchant for pretty looking guns and lethal fans (the kind used too cool oneself, not the rabid kind), as well as a horror of technology. She refuses to even touch the consul. Jane is also a somewhat competent witch and has a secret desire to be a Jane Austen heroine, though she is more inclined towards a woman like Miss Bingley.

Oliver Shackleton
Age: late twenties
Appearance: medium height, stocky with dark unruly hair. He has glasses and is blind as a bat without them.
Oliver entirely under the thumb of his elder sister. His argues with her constantly, but always acquiesces to her requests. He used to swear like a sailor, but, due to a spell of his sister's, can't swear any longer and has to use substitutes, which infuriates him greatly. Under the influence of fellow PPCers, Oliver has become more modern, in both language and behavior, much to his sister's distress. He is also hopeless with technology, but since his sister refuses to deal with it, he has to.

Moren Armstrong Crewe III
Age: eighteen
Appearance: pale, lanky and entirely nondescript, usefuly for blending into the background which he would do admirably if he weren't so clumsy.
Moren stumbled upon the PPC while being chased by bullies from his private school. He is timid and clumsy. Violence makes him sick and he is currently unaware of how the Department of Mary Sues disposes of said Sues. Apparently, Marquis de Sod did not think to inform him.

I presume sibling teams would be frowned upon at the PPC. Upstairs has enough insanity to deal with, without that. But Jane and Oliver come as a pair. You can't get one without the other.

My writing sample is here:

And feedback is always appreciated.


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