Subject: You have a point...
Posted on: 2009-01-20 21:57:00 UTC

about the potential for abuse. However, in TOS (, Jay and Acacia incarnate as Maiar and choose their forms, meaning that shapeshifting diguises are possible (although they don't seem to get the powers of the Maiar, which supports your theory).

A limited shapeshifting ability is interesting...I suppose it could be that, as the canon Gurlanin are very powerful shapeshifters, disguised Agents would be capable of fairly small changes mass or shape wise (Gurlanin->hummanoid) but would simply revert to a black puddle form if they tried too many changes in a period of time or tried to change into something very small or very large. That gives me an interesting idea...

The Agent tries shifting to a rancor to eat the Sue. It fails spectacularly, and the Agent instead collapses into a puddle of black goo. Cue Suvian laughter and the Agent then suffocating her instead.

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