Subject: Braced for impact and ready for action, SAH!
Posted on: 2009-01-06 18:20:00 UTC

Boy, and I thought David Tennant would go down in history as the Prettyboy Doctor. I figure either the BBC is actively trying to provoke fanlust, or he's just that good. Let's hope it's the latter. On the brighter side of things, the amount of new bad 10/Rose fics will probably go down...probably.

The hair is a bit silly, though. Maybe we should throw Sylar at him. Sylar is very good at haircuts.

Have to admit, I was rather hoping for an older Doctor in the style of OldWho, but I'll reserve judgement until we've seen him onscreen. Hey, is it true that a ton of fans threw tantrums when they heard that Christopher Eccleston left, causing the Outpost Gallifrey boards to go down? Is something like that going to happen again?

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