Subject: they were all leading up to the wonder of Ten
Posted on: 2009-01-05 03:05:00 UTC

Surely you remember Four? Tom Baker was ace. That scarf! The silly hair! That said, I don't actually have a shrine to Four in my living room, to which myself and my housemate have been known to pray on occasion. So I think my main problem with Eleven is that he's just not suitable eye candy, not after the delectable delights of Ten.

I know, I know, I'm meant to watch it because it's a good show. And it is good, albeit filled with painfully bad science, but it was Ten who got me watching it. It was bad enough this past autumn, with no Robin Hood and so no pretty men on the box of a Saturday night. With Ten gone, I'll be doomed. Or doomed to watch repeats on BBC3 obsessively, at any rate.

And oh Glod the hair. It's just so painfully emo.

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