Subject: Re: It'd be helpful...
Posted on: 2008-12-24 04:54:00 UTC

You can't see it? Nuts, I thought I'd gotten around that by posting the URL directly. Ah well, I'll fiddle around with it and fix it.

As for your concerns, I suppose "front-line agents" was a bad choice of words. The idea I was trying to get across was that Scathach and Paladin have access to a wide array of of weapons and tools, especially since they'll almost certainly need them. The reason I made them prototypes is that no one has bothered to use them before, and I couldn't justify the agents just pulling new heavy weaponry out of thin air. Of course, most the of the tech I wanted to use is from one cannon or another anyway, so it's not exactly new.

At any rate, I'll try reposting the the journal entry to the PPC group or something.

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