Subject: Brainstorming Good Badfic
Posted on: 2008-12-18 11:55:00 UTC

Okay, I have this unfortunate habit of seeing bad fanfiction and thinking ‘I can do better’. That usually leads to me at least plotting a story along the same lines, but fortunately that’s generally as far as it goes. For instance, I have a Hermione/Snape romance in the works. Well, on the drawing board, because I’m still really struggling to work it into Canonical parameters without Snape surviving the Battle of Hogwarts, which is fairly clichéd and illogical.

However, in my searches for sporkable material on AFF (pretty much everything I encountered) I found numerous stories were the females of Harry Potter are forced into sexual servitude for whatever reason… *sigh* Yeah, you can see where this is going, can’t you?

While quite a bit of me wants to forget I ever considered the idea, the other part wants to see what it would be like if everyone was in character (the women generally spread their legs eagerly and/or it’s Harry or the like doing the domination) and it was written by someone with knowledge of “consequences”, whatever they are.

So yeah, this fic is still in a state of extreme limbo. For a start, it’s the in character part that worries me. Rather sensibly, JKR didn’t introduce any serial rapists into her fandom (with the exception of Lockhart according to some). I’ve already ruled out Snape and Malfoy for being, if not good guys, definitely not bad guys. Crabbe and Goyle are a bit too thick to plan anything of the magnitude that this fic would entail. So that leaves Blaise Zabini or an OC. Yeah, sorry to focus on the Slytherins, but they seem to be the likely culprits (though if I have an OC, a Ravenclaw would also be acceptable due to their intelligence).

The woman/women in question (I’m likely to limit it only to one though, for my sanity if nothing else) is/are probably going to be Hermione, Ginny or, pushing it here, Luna. This is simply because they’re the most characterised and an OC would lose a lot of impact for this role.

Ideas would be appreciated, for both attacker and victim identity and also for ideas on how the attacker gets the victim to comply, however reluctantly. I’m thinking blackmail of some sort, because the attacker may not be kind enough/smart enough to use Obliviate. Finally, graphic or totally gloss over the sections in question? *

Of course, an overwhelmingly negative reaction will also be appreciated and may get this idea out of my head once and for all. Whatever your comments are, thanks in advance.

* What are the boundaries between M and NC-17 for sexual content on And is sex the only factor separating the two? It’s never been very clearly explained and I’m personally not sure if the admins themselves have a standardised set of rules given some of the fics I’ve encountered on FF alone. And if I ever post sexual scenes, because I have a couple of major ones planned since they’re plot-critical, I want to know if I’m going to get kicked off for it or if I can be safe under M.

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