Subject: Re: Nope.
Posted on: 2008-12-04 19:52:00 UTC

Meh, I have one reserved.

Stu the Spartan, aka Kyle-091, is a self-insert who miraculously saves half a dozen canon characters from dying, warps the plot out of recognition, steals most of the memorable lines from their owners, and gets a fraking Spartan pregnant. Of course, he had to pick Kelly. Adding to the fun, the author seems to have a broken caps lock key and can't even plagiarize the book properly.

It's the little things that really tick me off, though. For example, the meaning of the middle finger has apparently been forgotten in "the general"'s warped little Haloverse, despite CANON evidence to the contrary. Did I mention he survives after the Gravemind's been trying to infect him for an hour?

The good general's even spawned two more Kyle fics....

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