Subject: Does Anyone Remember Me?
Posted on: 2008-12-02 06:32:00 UTC

I've officially changed my capitalization since last time I was here. Also I'm now more into knitting than fandom. (Although my first knitting internet friend was an old PPC friend . . .)

But that's not the point of this post! While I'm probably not coming back in any real sense of the word, I do have a 7-to-10-page paper of original research for a linguistics class that's due insanely soon. And I thought I might do something about the jargons of internet communities. And then I remembered how rich a jargon the PPC has. So I'm thinking development of the PPC's vocabulary? I know, I know, the posts disappear off the bottom of the page, so it's hard to go back.

I did find you guys's wiki, and have been poking around there, but what I think I want to do is use the PPC as a specific case of the interaction of canon, general internet, general fandom, and community-specific vocabularies. So if anyone with a lot of time and/or links on their hands wants to point me to (say) that archive of the board somebody tried to do once, general fandom resources, or whatever, that would be super awesome. You guys rock my socks!

P.S. This is totally going to be one of those essays that is not, shall I say, 100% quality controlled. So whatever you got, I want!

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