Subject: I just realized a way to get myself more "original research"
Posted on: 2008-12-02 07:00:00 UTC

And that is doing interviews!

So, since I really have no idea what direction this paper is going to go in, just some general stuff for now:

For the oldbies: What are your memories of PPC vocabulary? Do you remember specific vocabulary creation events? Do you have something else awesome to say?

For the newbies: Do you find PPC conversations confusing? How do you cope with new terminology?

For everybody: How does the PPC compare to other internet communities you're a part of? Do you think you'd be friends with fellow PPC'ers in real life? Do you know people like your fellow PPC'ers in real life?

It would be super awesome if you all responded to as many or as few of these as you felt like. a/s/l-type information, fandom history, PPC history, etc are also other options that would make my data collection even better. But all are totally optional.

Also if anyone wants to do this via e-mail, AIM, Skype, or gchat, that's totally fine with me. undeadgoat at gmail, deadgoatgirl, undeadgoat, undeadgoat at gmail, respectively.

P.S. This paper is due Thursday . . . Why didn't I have this idea a week ago? This is so cool!

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