Subject: Welp, the Abhorsen aren't even safe...
Posted on: 2008-11-29 23:13:00 UTC

Just put this up on the Unclaimed Badfic wiki page, but if someone wants a go at it, feel free... Garth Nix's Old Kingdom has a lesbian 'Sue.

Sorceress - Rating unknown

Reporter's (not author's) summary: Levaberial, known as Levy or Ria, is a necromancer. She kicks Abhorsen arse. Weird femmeslashy relationship with the Abhorsen. She has emerald (amythest rimmed [sic]) eyes and "blood red locks of blue streaked hair." She occasionally forgets to capitalize the names of the bells. Her dead ex-girlfriend Alirse had to be banished beyond the Ninth Gate by Levaberial-Sue herself *angst* for which purpose 'Sue walks beyond said Ninth Gate and survives.

Three short chapters so far, but the last was posted within the month...

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