Subject: *applauds*
Posted on: 2008-11-22 05:02:00 UTC

I do like how literally the canon interprets everything. Although I'm now put off ever reading Pern. Even without knowing anything about it, the mission still pretty much made sense, so good job!

a deep, snuff colored lump
These I have seen. Generally in my dad's hankies. They are not something anyone with any sense would be investigating.

Also, I see you also have "portaled" with one L. This is the standard American spelling then?

Spotted one thing that's confusing me. You've written "to wit"; so far as I know it's "to whit". Certainly Pratchett uses the latter. Google isn't helping me find much clarification on which is correct - all I found is Merriam-Webster giving "to wit" but they're an American dictionary. Anyone got any ideas on this one? *is totally a geek when it comes to the English language*

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