Subject: Re: Thanks. ^. ^
Posted on: 2008-11-22 05:37:00 UTC

Oh, those sneaky gerunds! Google suggests that portal is a perfectly legitimate verb these days, however, what with its in connection with internet portals. Have to disagree with you on which looks better, but then, I tend to be a bit of a fascist when it comes to British English spellings, and as mentioned recently, we double letters a lot.

Good to know I'm probably not erroneously using "to whit".

I suspect one of these days Trojie will force me to read Pern. But my reading will be tainted with memories of the badfic, in much the same way as I can now never watch the Land Before Time. And I suspect I'll be expecting Pratchettesque satire where none is to be found, what with the dragonriders in The Colour of Magic. Alas.

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