Subject: Re: I know I may regret this...
Posted on: 2008-11-17 04:52:00 UTC

Oh boy...well, letseehere, the fic I was thinking as a sample involves Buffy (the Slayer) getting turned into a hooker by her mother (who's been vamped)and starts out with her having sex with various characters and mostly random men. However, the part I was going to use is actually midway in, when she is turned into a "alien breeding slave" (really, it's in the title). And then in the following chapter she becomes a stripper and has a gang bang with a bunch of demons.

And this is one of the tamer fics...I won't even discuss the Disney tentacle porn...the horror, the horror.

Needless to say, this stuff would not be for the kiddies. As a reflection, the characters I've written are also much darker then your standard PPC fare.

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