Subject: argh!
Posted on: 2008-11-15 15:13:00 UTC

If there is a silver lining, it's that at least I won't have to trawl the Pit myself for a while. Thank you. I think. I shall add them to the Unclaimed Badfic list forthwith, and then go cry in a corner.

We'd like (read: I'd like) to tackle some SGA badslash, but I'm still debating the merits of tackling Moments Sacred and Profance and bringing the wrath of the McBeck shippers down on us, and my brief meander to the Pit proved just one thing: my brain blocks out the horror of the summaries and doesn't actually let me click links to any stories on the Pit these days. So if you fancy finding us some truly horrible SGA badslash that would be much appreciated.

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