Subject: How about this, then?
Posted on: 2008-11-07 10:51:00 UTC

The fault was mine. I was an arrogant jerkass fanbrat who acted stupidly. Despite this, I am still, as Fanficrants would call it, butthurt. I put all my eggs into one basket, snacthed them back in less than 24 hours, and when I wanted to know why no one took them or smashed them, I asked why in a way that was both foolish and juvenile. Because of that, the shame from my Impertinence in trying to add to the PPC canon was coupled with the shame from my misdirected outrage. I could have taken those seperately*, but not together. I was ungreatful to my Internet hosts, and knowing how rare civility is in the Web, I can't forgive myself for that.

PS: I will however, return for special occasions.

*Yes, I know I woudn't have had the second one if I was more patient. Another barb against me.

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