Subject: Ahem.
Posted on: 2008-11-05 03:20:00 UTC

I refer you to the PPC Constitution.
2. Respect other people’s opinions, especially when it comes to controversial issues, like religion, homosexuality and slash, or witchcraft. You don’t have to agree with anyone, of course, and stating your own opinion is encouraged, but no telling other people that their opinion is WRONG. It’s kind of hard for an opinion to be wrong, considering that it’s how that certain individual sees a certain issue.

Yeah, calling Obama "the good guy," especially without any evidence to back up your claim? Not so cool. Back off, please, or at least justify your side. Just because you support him doesn't make him good, and doesn't make McCain evil. Please remember that we're trying to not attack each other here, and please remember that whichever side of the line you happen to fall on, there will be plenty of intelligent, reasonable people on both sides, so let's not go attacking morals, please? Thank you.

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