Subject: Well, a couple I can think of.
Posted on: 2008-10-23 04:50:00 UTC

Since it is, after all, HQ, the laws of reality don't necessarily apply all the time so much.

It could be HQ itself answering her, or her voice reverberating off of the concrit, which is what I thought at least some of HQ is made of, sparked some kind of reaction. Or there could be a telekinetic... being... wandering about, answering, or, as Artic said, could be a ghost.

Also, definitely, definitely up for a Gathering on the East Coast 'fore I go off to college. In fact, we don't have to wait until summer! :D But we can if y'all would prefer it. Whereabouts were you thinking-- maybe Boston? It seems like a good place for a meet-up. *crosses fingers* Anywhere in the North is easier for me, I'm right around the Hartford, CT, area, so Boston would be perfect. But other places are good, too-- I don't mind a trip up to two or three hours; past that, I might have to reconsider. Ideas, anyone?

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