Subject: Ansela, you are my target audience!
Posted on: 2008-10-28 00:57:00 UTC

I mean, you don't have to like tea, but my goal is to get the word out--the right word--for people who are not crotchety seasoned tea-drinkers like Pads. For example, highly-steeped tea is definitely not for beginners. You definitely want it more steeped if you're going to put other stuff in it, but not if you're going to drink it straight.

Also, it's true that smell doesn't necessarily reflect flavor, but tea is a multi-sensory experience. Each element should be enjoyed for itself, IMO.

And, you know, if you don't like tea, you can try other hot steeped beverages until you find something you do like. ^_^

~Neshomeh, devil's advocate and maybe a little bit of a hippie.

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