Subject: Americans, yeah.
Posted on: 2008-10-28 21:43:00 UTC

I think lot of us start on the wrong foot and get turned off tea forever. Apparently some fool on Yahoo! somewhere said that Earl Gray tastes like Froot Loops. A girl who writes for our little student publication went in expecting Froot Loops and got tea with bergamot, and of course was shocked and dismayed. That's the sort of thing I want to correct, at least on my campus.

Part of the problem is not growing up with tea. It's an acquired taste, so if people haven't got a liking for it from saturation in the womb, it takes time to appreciate it.

The other part of the problem is the culture of instant gratification. One can slam a quick cup of tea if necessary, but I've always liked the process of boiling water, watching the tannins seep from the teabag, breathing the steam, feeling the warmth of the cup, and finally savoring the flavor. It's more than just a beverage--it's anti-stress. Perhaps that's an Asian influence, but they did start the whole tea-drinking thing.

... I'm rambling. I'm not even sure I have a point, other than "tea is fantastic." ^_^;

~Neshomeh, going to peruse the tea website now.

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