Subject: In order...
Posted on: 2008-10-16 22:25:00 UTC

DS9, Voyager, TNG, The TNG Movies, TOS Movies, Enterprise, TOS. Yes, i know its odd, but the movies about the original crew seem better than the show. Maybe because they weren't using crappy props anymore? Enterprise is higher than TOS cause its pretty... messes with the Canon I think though. I 'like' it about as much as I 'like' The Force Unleashed being Canon -_- but hey, its Lucas' world he wants to muck that up he can. The Original Series though was just... well... at the time i can assume it was cool but now it just seems silly... [sing] Bounce the forward particle beam of the main deflector dish. Thats the way We do things men, we make up things as we wish...[/sing]

I'm not sure what Division i wanna be a part of though...

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