Subject: That's a good question.
Posted on: 2008-10-14 22:21:00 UTC

I really don't know. When summarising a fanfic, I always have a general idea of what fanfic readers are attracted by (particularly the types of readers I want - ie, not dragging a book purist into a Susan/Caspian story), but with original fiction... bah.

It probably says something that I read your summaries and didn't start reading the stories. (Something besides the fact that I have almsot no spare time.) I skimmed one of them, but not already knowing the characters, I couldn't fall in easily.

I suppose the most important thing for an original fic summary is to make it sound familiar; give potential readers a grounding with something they already know (say, an apparently stock character - the Innocent Princess, for example) and then give an enticing twist (one of my favourite childrens' books was called "The Tough Princess").

In general... I'd say it needs to be enticing without seeming to beg. Quotes from the text would be good, if you can find something concise and illustrative enough.

... Actually, I really don't know. *shrug* Sorry.

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