Subject: Ookay.... *dons Permission Giver Hat*
Posted on: 2008-09-27 05:29:00 UTC

We need to be really, really careful about how we do this. There is Canonical precedent, IIRC, we've got a copy of Voyager's Doctor working in medical (from TOS, actually). However, I would like to set some ground rules for borrowing Canonical characters (debate is welcome, of course).

First, and most importantly, we can't take characters out of the main continuity of their universe. We're here to protect the Canon, and that definitely includes the characters therein. Rescuing Wash, for instance, was rather borderline - I'm willing to let it stand as Canon, (and keep Wash around), but please, don't do it again?

Effectively, this limits us to pulling characters from AUs - while I'm no expert on alternate universe physics, I would suggest that the AU both has to be rather drastically different from the main Canon, and have been running for a long time - enough time and difference to (metaphysically) separate them from their Canonical counterparts.

The second rule I would suggest is that ex-Canons shouldn't be field agents. Mentioning that Sam is now working for DoSAT is fine, writing one-shots about her getting used to the job and her new co-workers is fine, stealing Luke Skywalker to kill 'sues with is definitely not.

Ultimately, the rule is "write maturely". This is the PPC - we're a band of crazy people going crazier while fighting the growing flood of badfic. We are not an insert-your-favorite-character sitcom.

That's my take, anyways. Discussion is welcome.

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