Subject: Not making that up, I swear.
Posted on: 2008-09-06 00:14:00 UTC

Seeing Rapist!Anthony was kind of like the fanfic version of being violently savaged by a baby rabbit.

Sky can't very well go as a woman in male clothing in Victorian London and she'd be unable to move if she wore appropriate womens' clothing, so it looks like a male disguise is the best way. She would probably make an even less convincing boy than Johanna does if it wasn't for the Disguise Generator ... But then that may spoil the funny of another mission I wanted to do later, in which all four of my agents wind up getting gender-bent without their consent. (The Sue in that one drags Harry, Ron and Draco through a portal which turns them into beautiful Arabian handmaidens. Yeah.) Thoughts?

At least they have an obvious way to dispose of the corpse of Anthony's creepy replacement.

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