Subject: Paging the DBS!
Posted on: 2008-08-17 02:23:00 UTC

There is no excuse for this atrocity! (It's AFF, in case you're accessing it from work/a public place.) 15 reviews, and an average vote of 5 stars from 18 votes.

A Shattered Mind by German Kitsune Witch Jimaine.
Abarai Renji worked as hard as he could to leave Inuzuri. He wanted to escape from the pain and the hunger but most of all from being raped as a small child. Now as a man he is forced into that situation again by his Captain Kuchiki Byakuya N/C, Lemon

Do I even need to mention the fact that they've forgotten the OOC tag that is definitely necessary for this 'fic'?

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