Subject: You can do both.
Posted on: 2008-08-17 23:49:00 UTC

May 1993: The Disentangler recruited, a semi-fic blip from an abandoned Doctor Who fic. Sent to the DoIC.
November 1995: Zapped by the Emperor while facing a Star Wars-Myst Sue. First regeneration.
February 1999: Arrested by the DIS (Held three cells from Blue Photon).
June 1999: Mangled and left for dead by Twp'atwt in his massacre of the prisoners. Second regeneration.
April 2000: Contracted Krytos. Third regeneration.
March 2008: Roasted by Visser Three's new Balrog morph. Fourth regeneration.
July 2008: Shot by Sued!Legolas. Fifth regeneration.

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