Subject: Re: Greetings, fellow rain-lover!
Posted on: 2008-08-09 02:39:00 UTC


Yep, I'm a Loreena McKennitt fan as well, thanks to my dad. That song's quite good, though I prefer the song/poem Bonny Swans...which demonstrates how morbid I can be. (If you don't get that, google "Bonny Swans" or "Bonny Swans lyrics".)

Rain is meant for dancing, and running, and getting wet in, and sometimes staring at and listening to. No one else seems to agree with me there, but it *is*.

Like I said, I'm an obsessive fan of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, Kiesha'ra and vamps.

Shinys....prettyful shiny whisky thingy...

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