Subject: Uhhhh...anyone for LotR badfics?
Posted on: 2008-07-31 21:02:00 UTC

Where The Wind Takes You

It's the canon-breaking things that make me mad here...
Uhhhhh...are you sure people call Lord Elrond "Mr. Elrond sir", especially an Elf? Ok, nevermind, that's Mary Sue...Ariel. Honestly. ARIEL. She even mispells her own name once! And Pearl Muddifoot? Who in Eru's green Arda would have a surname like that? Wait...I never knew Elrond adopted Hobbits! And yelled like Denethor!
(okay, okay, I'm rambling. But GAAAAAH! If this fic isn't already claimed, I swear to Manwe I shall claim it!)

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