Subject: A question for the HFA
Posted on: 2008-07-18 16:34:00 UTC

The story I'm about to PPC happens to involve a young 'Witch' - the niece of Voldemort and the Granddaughter of Dumbledore, whose name is Celebi. Now, people have told me I need to have a very painful death for her, and this is what I've come up with.

Since Celebi also happens to be a 'Grass / Psychic' Type in the Pokemon World, the plan is this: Firstly, the Agents 'Borrow' a device from a Pokemon Goodfic which prevents the use of psychic powers.
At which point, the Agents tie the 'Sue to a stake (Little tribute to the Salem Trials) in the middle of the HFA Quidditch Stadium, where the monsters Volvagia and the King Dodongo from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, have a Detahmatch against each other, with said 'Sue in the middle.
It's more a point of permission. I don't really wanna tread on anyone's toes, particularly Meir's. Anyone else think of a suitable location, or know how to acquire permission?

And since we do want the 'Sue to be in pain for as long as possible, we will be casting the occasional healing charm, not neccesarily a HP one, to fix up her burns. Any Wizard / Witch Agents are welcome to participate in the spectacle.

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