Subject: Proposing a New Tool!
Posted on: 2008-07-18 01:34:00 UTC

So, we all know that if you can't fix something with duct tape and gorilla glue, you're basically screwed. Duct tape happens to be a personal favorite of mine (I have a wide variety of colors from camo to hot pink), and in a discussion about an insane RPer Chatvert and I have gotten to know well, this came up. She fails at reality, so I was going to beat her with a clu-by-four and then the duct tape showed up.

Duct tape is used to keep things together, yes? Well, take that, and apply it to canon. Thus, you get the Duct Tap O' Canon. Basically, you can use it to fix holes in canon that may spontaneously appear, and if you wrap a Sue up in it, she suffocates. Feel free to be creative here, from wrapping her up like a spider's dinner to sticking her humiliatingly on a ceiling or other such surface.

It can also be used to tie up canon characters to placate them a little bit in case they have been so drastically affected by the fic or the Sue that they need to be tied up while the perpetrator is disposed of.

Sounds good/bad? Please feel free to bash or approve, I care not. This just popped in my head and I thought it might be worth exploring.

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