Subject: It could be a time thing.
Posted on: 2008-07-18 23:41:00 UTC

Like those heat or ice packs that take a little while to work after exposed to air. So you rip it off the roll, and then you've got a short but specified amount of time before whatever-it-is that's on the tape starts to eat through your skin. A fun thing here would be a type of reaction that actually causes explosions, and they are possible by the laws of chemistry. I can't remember any offhand, but there are a few. Also, you could put fire to the tape and then it explodes whatever it's holding.

Or, you'd just have to be really careful when taking it off if poison is used.

Canon-specific tape is also an option, as is kill-specific. Like LotR tape doesn't work in Narnia, and poison versus fire or just pain until you can kill them some way else. If you were to tie up a canon character with it, generic tape would just subdue them but harm a Sue that didn't belong, and in that case it would probably burn Agents, but if you only hold the sticky side for a short period of time, it should do too much to you.

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