Subject: Re: Getting past Writers Block, how do YOU do it?
Posted on: 2008-06-25 18:36:00 UTC

First, I spend about an hour staring blankly at the computer screen (why this is important, I don't know, but it appears to be part of my de-Writer's Blocking).
Second, I treat myself to a bunch of chocolate and tell myself it's okay, I'm not a failure.
Once I'm bloated on chocolate, I return to my computer and write something else for a while, generally something that is so terribly written I'd be ashamed to show my face anywhere were it to get out somehow.
Then, I just go back to whatever it was I was working on and usually my Writer's Block is gone. I have no idea why. I hope it works for you. The masters thesis is a nasty one. Good luck, sounds like an interesting thesis.

Helen of Pylos

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