Subject: Funny what being ignorant...
Posted on: 2014-05-07 23:24:00 UTC

I honestly did not catch that she was completely made-up, just that she didn't belong with the hobbits. You certainly sold her back-story well enough to impress a movie-brat.

The rest of this post is irrelevant but I am leaving it in.

I read Chronicles of Narnia when I was young, but I cannot tolerate the Inklings' for-children style now so I had trouble trying to read The Hobbit.

As for not reading LotR, I tried, and I can only make excuses about needing to own a large-print edition.

I did get halfway through one JRR story. There was a star baked into a cake, and a boy swallowed it without finding it. Then he later belched it up and it sat on his forehead invisibly.

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