Subject: Hooray!
Posted on: 2014-05-07 03:48:00 UTC

Drat, I was wanting that fic. It's got so much improbability and awfulness in it. It's going to take a while to find another fic on the caliber of "giving a religious figure to a group of omnicidal cyborgs and giving said figure the power to turn other species into Grox". That's not even counting taking the entire species so out-of-character that not only could they not touch the real Grox persona with a mile-long pole, they can survive on Earthlike planets with no ill effect. I suppose that's what I get for holding back on my fic claims.

Hey, if there's a spot in there that would let you recruit one or two of those oxygen-breathing Grox, try to see if you can do so. It could be interesting having a few of them around, and if not, you'd have to wipe them out anyway. The whole subspecies is going to be incapable of assimilating into canon, seeing the way all spaceborne species react to Grox. Even one of the 80,000 fan-made Grox cosplay races will hate you if you so much as make a mutual-not-killing-each-other agreement with them. Don't recruit Grox Captain Kirk, though; he's a Stu in his own right, and even if he wasn't, he's too entwined with the Sue to be dealt with in anything less than a fatal aiding and abetting charge.

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