Subject: Re: RC 999 responds
Posted on: 2015-08-12 09:53:00 UTC

To: Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill [ilraen.console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
Subject: Re: Re. Just a thought.

Agent Ilraen,

I have no idea why former-agent Illian would convince the abhorrence to turn you and himself into the same person in her multiverse. Who can possibly understand the machinations of House Feanor? I was simply pointing out that he may not be terribly trustworthy; though as a Kinslayer that may have been obvious...

Needless to say, I don't think you and he are one and the same in this multiverse.

Now, let's put aside that whole unpleasant issue. The technology actually comes from an ill-defined crossover. Not of all it is weaponised, in fact: I have several vials of purified midi-chlorians if those would be of interest? Also a Ghostbusters containment unit modified with Time Lord technology - I believe the correct analogy is 'ghost-trap of infinite holding'.

If these are not of interest, I have the weapons too, as I said.

Agent Huinesoron, DOGA

{{This got easier when I went back and read the mission; I'd forgotten it was a crossover.}}

To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
Subject: Details, sliateD

Well. I have a Magnetonic Pressure Oven, capable of making superb tea in under ten seconds. I have several Proximity Deterrents, which can be attached to any weapon to provide automatic self-defence. Of possible interest to you in Implausible Crossovers, I have a Fused-Fiction Disentanglement Device, capable of separating two canon universes completely in a single (piston and cog-powered) step.

And, yerk, apparently when I think about this stuff I end up talking like them, too. Sorry about that. Anyway, obviously I couldn't part with all of it, but I'm sure one piece could accompany the clutch...

(I don't think that letting the kids into the company of a full-sized dragon is a good idea. We have enough trouble keeping Jasmine from telling all the neighbours about Hera and Ilwion; getting her to keep quiet about the real thing would be downright impossible.)

~Dafydd Illian (ex-Agent Dafydd is fine, and thank you for asking)

{{With gratitude to Irish and doc for the tech ideas; the TCDA is fun!}}

Not that I'm deliberately making this hard for you. ^_^


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