Subject: Yocherry gurgled.
Posted on: 2016-10-31 05:38:00 UTC

Actually, Yocherry was doing a whole lot of things. Lying on the ground. Bleeding out. Steadily approaching death. Having a giant, smoking hole in his chest.
The gurgling was, however, in his opinion, the most important one of them all.
He was doing that, too, actually. Having opinions. And they were cloudy and weightless and as ethereal as ghosts, and they were drifting around his head like skybound porridge.

'Dude, ummmm, dude dude dude,' Maz was pacing around somewhere or other. Yocherry didn't really know. They could have been in space, right then. It felt a little like it.

'Oooh, duuuude, dude.'
She seemed terribly worried about something.
Yocherry twisted his head. It flopped, smacking an ear against the dirt. The vibrations warbled in his skull. Yocherry felt very strange.
He had something to tell her, he realised.

Yocherry gurgled at her.

'No, dude, don't, um, talk, dude! Just wait - I - it's, um, muscles, tearing. Um. Don't worry, uh, dude, it's alright!' She said, quivering like a leaf in an earthquake.

Yocherry gurgled at her. He thought that he smiled, but it came out as more of a crooked grimace.

'Dude, um, dude, please!'

Yocherry raised a smarmy eyebrow, and gurgled again.

'Dude, are you, umm, being sassy?'

Yocherry gurgled with even greater sass.
He was very interested in hearing her reply, but something inside of him gave up. Then the sun and the sky and the land and Maz all disappeared, and Yocherry was certain he actually was in space.

Maz was looking at the floor.
It had been a week since Yocherry had gotten thirty per cent of himself blown out onto the grass by an angry Stu with a very powerful gun, and he was as conscious as a brick, hooked up, plugged into, and being injected by some of the best medical equipment in the multiverse.
Yocherry hadn’t done much, except for wake up a few hours earlier, mumble about snails and batteries, and immediately drop back into sleep.
Maz had tensed up like a metal spring, listened sharply to the whole thing, and had remained tensed, prepared for any additions to his arguments and points, for the next hour. Nothing came up, needless to say.


Maz tensed up like a metal spring.

‘Heeeeeeeey, booooss,’ Yocherry murmured, eyes glassily staring in her direction.

‘Dude, um, are you, uh - you, um, I don’t think you should talk, um, dude,’ Maz babbled, dividing her attention between Yocherry’s sleepy, drooping face, and the plastic wires filled with odd liquids that were keeping it from giving up, rotting, and dropping off.

‘Got interuuuuupted…’ Yocherry said.


‘You waaaaant…’


‘To heeeear, booooooss?’
With that, he wobbled around slightly, attempting to gesture to her.
Maz stepped forward. She leant in. She was dead silent.
Yocherry was silent, too, for a few moments, remembering what he was about to say. He inhaled.

‘That ent nothin.’ His voice was low and secretive. He grinned sloppily. Maz stared at him.
‘I’ve had worse.’
His job finally done, Yocherry dropped back into unconsciousness.
Maz continued staring at him.

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