Subject: Rooster-block prompt: Elderly Lesbian Flirting!
Posted on: 2016-10-30 08:05:00 UTC

((A/N: Revised version of what I posted in the chat. This is totally uncanonical, as I don't have Permission, and also because I haven't yet decided whether or not Meg exists.))

"You know, I've always admired you," T'Kat said. She glanced across the table at the other woman. Vulcan ideals were well and good, but this was definitely an occasion when she needed to figure out how emotional cues worked. She observed Meg look downward and start cleaning under her nails with her knife. However, she was nearly certain her mouth had twisted into a smile.

"Really? Why?" Meg asked offhandedly.

T'Kat shifted around to face her, almost knocking her cane from where it was propped against the table. She was surprised and pleased to see the wrinkles on Meg's forehead deepen with worry in the moments before she caught it.

"Well, you're a very creative exorcist, for starters."

Meg's laugh could almost be called girlish. It startled T'Kat to remember that the time-hardened woman she'd befriended was only thirty-six years old, less than a quarter her own age. Humans grew up so fast, especially in pre-modern continua.

"I have been impressed by how confident you are," T'Kat said, "Especially after having lived in such a repressive universe. I've heard Macbeth called Shakespeare's most misogynistic play."

"Oh, it wasn't so bad for me," Meg said, "According to the play, Lady Mackers had a hard time of it, but my husband was a good man."

"I'm sure that is true, but I would prefer you not speak of your husband unless it's strictly necessary." Meg looked up for a moment, and suddenly they were looking into each other's eyes. T'Kat looked away.

"My emotions are not the same as a Human's," T'Kat continued, "and I don't think that what I am feeling now is analogous to jealousy, but you are free to think of it as such."

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Meg's cheeks growing pinker. Was that a good sign? It had been so long since she'd tried to seduce anyone but Anthek. And even that was years ago now.

"I suppose you're right," Meg said, "I have been making up for lost time." T'Kat furrowed her brow. Did that follow logically from what they had been talking about before? Perhaps this was one of those conversations that didn't need to make sense in the strictest way. She could use that to her advantage.

"Would you like to come over to my Response Center, feed each other chocolate, make out, and whatever would plausibly follow that?" Meg's eyes went wide at that, but she smiled.

T'Kat was about to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively when her partner galloped over, a bowl full of soggy enchiladas and what looked like an empty bottle of ranch dressing balanced precariously on eir abdomen.

"T'Kat! T'Kat!" Kebrdå stopped to catch eir breath for a moment. "T'Kat, what does a spoon look like? The cafeteria worker said I needed one."

T'Kat sighed. Not dramatically...but on the spectrum leading to that adverb. Meg burst out laughing.

T'Kat picked up her own spoon from her empty soup bowl and held it out in front of the still-woefully-undereducated Venusian. A piece of noodle flicked off and onto eir feeler. Ey pressed eir lips together in consternation.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Meg laughed even harder at that. Kebrdå's mouth opened slightly as he recognized her voice.

"Oh! That's the Human you are in a relationship with? Want to do a relationship with? I'm getting that wrong." Ey froze for a moment, eir feelers twitching from side to side, then turned and ran.

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